GC Design System Components Installation Page templates Contact us GC Design System


Timeline: Q1 (Apr - Jun 2024)

Theme: Product Growth

Support for Server Side Rendering frameworks

Bilingual design library

New functionality and improvements

Theme: Research

Accessibility, usability, and onboarding

Theme: Engagement

Contribution model


Timeline: Q2 (Jul - Sep 2024)

Theme: Product Growth

New functionality and improvements

Theme: Research

Accessibility, usability, and onboarding

Theme: Engagement


Timeline: Q3 (Oct - Dec 2024)

Theme: Product Growth

Technical onboarding

CDTS functionality

Integration with canada.ca

Product metrics & analytics

Theme: Research

GC Design ecosystem and user needs research

Theme: Engagement

Targeted demos

Timeline: Q4 (Jan - Mar 2025)

Theme: Product Growth

New functionality and improvements

Theme: Research


Theme: Engagement


Collaboration and support channels

Check out our Get involved page to learn about what we're working on and how you can contribute. Visit our GitHub repo to report an issue or make a suggestion.

Product Roadmap Disclaimer: Change is Expected

The product roadmap is a living document, subject to change based on shifting priorities, resource availability, and unforeseen dependencies. Any item that has not yet started may be reprioritized or replaced by a higher-value initiative. Items currently in progress may encounter delays as we navigate challenges and learn along the way.

We share this roadmap to foster transparency, encourage collaboration, and align with our stakeholders. Your feedback and contributions are always welcome as we refine our path forward.
